Devil’s Playbook

Oct 9, 2024    Sandi Geis

It seems that trouble of all kinds is mounting. The world isn’t what it used to be. Or is it? Truthfully, the same maladies we see today have tormented the world since man fell into sin. Exploring history, we find that the devil has very few plays in his playbook — variations on the same themes.

Thankfully, God has a playbook too. It contains just one strategy guaranteed to achieve victory over Satan: The death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus. It’s the one play that delivers new mercies each morning, provides immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, and wins for us eternal life. “What has been is what will be (Jesus reigns eternal!), what has been done (Jesus’ victory) will be done (our victory).” There is nothing new in the devil’s playbook, and his plays are meaningless because of Jesus.