When Gifts Are Noticed

Jul 5, 2023    Karen Kogler

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.

Hebrews 10:24

“You’re a good writer.” When I was ten, my grandmother made this comment. It had a big impact, increasing my pleasure in writing and giving me courage to share my writing with others.

More recently, I told a fellow volunteer she certainly had a gift for organization, and she replied, “Not really. It’s just the way I’m wired.” “Exactly!” I responded. “And that’s God’s gift to you!”

Words have power. When we comment positively on someone’s ability, when we describe it as a gift from God, it’s like a pat on the back, a lifting of their spirits and a nudge in a positive direction, all rolled into one! What better gift could we give them!