Jesus, The Cornerstone

Sep 17, 2023    Denise Seaman

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, of which I am a member, 6000 congregations, 9000+ pastors, missionaries in 90 countries, and 180 Service Organizations. That’s a lot of God’s people working in his kingdom!

God is living and active in all areas of human life. When he gives us faith to see, we respond by using the gifts God has given us: time, talent, and treasure. We do not merit salvation through our works ... that is Christ’s work alone ... yet they are a witness to others. Works needn’t be grand or expensive or written down for posterity. Avoiding the pitfalls of either laziness or prideful busyness, it pleases God when we think of others in prayer, serving, or offerings.

To God be all glory and praise!

Prayer: Dear Lord, graciously strengthen us in faith toward you and fervent love toward one another. Amen.