Our Triumph

May 29, 2023    Karen Kogler

Therefore it says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives ... ”

Ephesians 4:8

Ancient Rome celebrated war heroes with a “triumph,” a parade that honored the victorious general and displayed the captured leaders and soldiers — once proud and strong, now down beaten, humiliated, in chains.

Paul was likely picturing this as he wrote the words above. Quoting Psalm 68:18, he reminded the Ephesians about the triumph of Jesus, ascending into heaven, having conquered Satan and his kingdom.

Jesus’ triumph is our triumph, too. We often are overpowered — by people, by our circumstances, by our own sins and weaknesses. But Jesus conquers all. One day, we will join him in the triumph parade he earned for us, when all that now is big, ugly and overpowering will be defeated, in chains and powerless.