
Jun 12, 2023    Eileen Ritter

“Look at the birds of the air ... Are you not of more value than they?”

Matthew 6:26

“I used to be a valuable church member, directing the choir every Sunday,” Emma recalled wistfully. “I was chairman of the congregation,” nodded Bill. “I cut the grass and trimmed the bushes,” “Baked pies for every bake sale and potluck,” “Taught Sunday school for forty years,” the other residents chimed in. “And here we sit in this care facility, of no value to anyone,” they agreed.

But Jesus doesn’t evaluate you on what you do for him. “Look at the birds and the flowers of the field,” he said. “Are you not of more value than they?” He bases your value on what he has done for you — redeemed you and called you to be his precious child through your baptism. To him and through him you are of priceless worth.