Praying For Our Pastors

Apr 18, 2024    Paul Hoffman

As a retired pastor, I want to pray for the pastors in my area, as Paul told Timothy, “I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.” I used to pray for them by saying “Be with them, Lord,” but now I have become more specific: Monday — guidance, as pastors develop their sermons and Bible classes. Tuesday — patience,

as pastors guide church councils, elders, and other committees. Wednesday — sympathy, as pastors minister to shut-ins and others. Thursday — vision, as pastors plan for upcoming actions and activities. Friday — willingness, as pastors participate with their families. Saturday — thankfulness, as pastors recall God’s blessings this week. Sunday — joy, as pastors rejoice in leading worship. Today’s pastors often encounter many concerns, stress, and technology, so we all should keep them in prayer.