Good Listeners are God Listeners
What is the definition of a good listener? We, as seniors, often listen to our neighbors or our grandchildren. They seek our counsel on personal concerns or maybe on problems they’re having in school. But what qualifies us to be good listeners? Perhaps a better question would be — what qualifies us to be wise listeners? Let’s see how Scripture defines a wise listener. Psalm 34:11, “Come, O children, listen to me ...”; Proverbs 2:6a “For the Lord gives wisdom”; And Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”
Those verses tell us that God is our source of wisdom. We need to listen with his “ears” and talk with his “mouth.” Think about that the next time you are asked to listen and give advice to someone. Remember, “My thoughts are not your thoughts,” says the Lord.