The Yoke's on You!

May 6, 2023    Neal A. Orabka

“Take my yoke upon you ... for my yoke is easy ...”

Matthew 11:29-30

To think of a yoke is to think of a confining object around one’s neck that forces one to do something he or she doesn’t want to do. Think of oxen in a yoke, walking in a circle all day, or Jeremiah wearing a yoke (Jeremiah 27:2), or you wearing a yoke of pain or loneliness.

The yoke Jesus speaks of is entirely different. It frees, not constrains. It eases burdens. Jesus invites his people — that’s you — to rely on him. Rely on Jesus’ forgiveness to remove guilt, Jesus’ friendship to lighten loneliness, Jesus’ love to comfort a burdened heart. Jesus is a yoke breaker and a yoke lightener.

So, what will you do? Keep the yoke on your shoulders? Or share it with the one who wants to endure it with you? Either way, the yoke’s on you!