Difference Makers

Feb 8, 2025    Dan Kohn

Paul knew the plan personally. As a messenger for Christ, he knew of the “gift” of salvation the he had been given, tied to God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). Paul also knew that a response was called for. These were the “good works” that were intended to serve others. This, too, was in Christ’s mission.

What is noteworthy is there is no age limit for this work. Retirement is not referenced in the Bible. Paul was likely in his 60’s when he penned this letter to the Ephesians. Moses was 80 when he was called to deliver God’s people from slavery (Exodus 3:10).

God’s Word is timeless. It has equal application today for us. We, too, are called to serve. God’s plan for our lives is to

be difference makers.