Is Your Future Tense?

Nov 16, 2024    Neal A. Orabka

The future is any time after right now. It is a year or two away, it is tomorrow. The one sure thing about the future is that it shall come. The Beatitudes speak about the future. Each verse expresses a future hope. Sometimes it’s implied, but usually it’s clearly stated in the words, “they shall.”

Before we reach the future there’s the present. People grieve, are treated unfairly, deal with many worries or difficult problems. The present can be very tense.

Jesus’ message to any tense one is, “There is a future. You have one with me. You see glimpses of the future when you are comforted, when mercy is granted you, when your faith is acknowledged. The future is coming, and it will be very good.”

Today your future might be tense. But because of our Lord’s willingness to be present with you, your future is also assured.