Work and Rest

Jul 3, 2023    Lonie Eatherton

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

July 3, 321, Emperor Constantine issued his second Sunday Law in the Roman Empire. Sunday would henceforth be a day of rest. Constantine worked to live out his faith in his Savior. Now Christians throughout the realm would not be forced to work on that day of the week in which Jesus rose from the dead. They would be able to rest from their labors and use their gift of time to freely worship God.

Whether on Sunday or at another time during the week, God’s people still faithfully gather to worship. The commandment we learned as children is more than a duty. It is a sacred privilege. In thanks to the Lord

for all his work in saving us, we joyfully use or time in worship to give him all honor and praise.