Daily Trials

Jun 9, 2023    Judy Sche

For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble ...

Psalm 27:5

Many years ago, a friend now gone to Jesus, told

me she got on her hands and knees and went down

her basement steps backwards to do her laundry.

Not the best choice, but I couldn’t help admiring her determination. She made me think of the magnitude of daily tasks.

While a crisis brings on the fight or flight instinct, what is the recourse for daily trials? Unsung, unnoticed, daily battles sometimes bring on tenacity; a task accomplished is a victory. It becomes more than

victory if we add prayer and trust in Jesus. Then, each victory takes us closer to knowing God is with us and will transform us some day. That will be our ultimate victory as it was with Christ rising from the tomb.