A Round with Scripture

May 5, 2023    Paul W. Hoffman

“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.”

John 5:39

When I hold my devotions, I do “A Round with Scripture.” I see how many times I flip through the Bible to find the right verse. So, if I’m looking for John 5:59, I may first flip to Matthew, then to Luke, until I find the right one in John. I count the number of times it takes to find the passage.

But now, I read the passages that I flip to before I read my assigned one. I’ll read the section of Matthew, then Luke, and then I’ll read John. When I read like this,

I realize how the same themes appear: God loves his sinful people, and he graciously forgives them in Christ. You’ll find these themes as you read through the Bible.