Be There

Feb 27, 2025    Donald Hinchey

Jesus wept. (John 11:35)

The famous Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, upon hearing of a congregant’s death, drove to her house to “sit shiva,” (observe a time of mourning). When the mourners heard that the famous Rabbi would be there, there was hopeful excitement. Rabbi Heschel arrived, and for an hour, sat in silence. At the end of the hour, he left. Those present said that his presence in that hour of silence brought great comfort.

When confronted with great pain, we often wonder, “What shall I say?” Even Jesus, when confronted with his friend Lazarus’ death, does not preach an eloquent sermon. His gift to the family is his tears. “Jesus wept.”

In the face of such pain, if we don’t know what to say, it may be best not to say it. Just be there. Like Jesus, weep.