The Spirit Gives Wisdom

May 11, 2024    Barry Bobb

We all know the well-worn adage, “with age comes wisdom.” But Elihu refines that a bit. And we have Jesus’ own admonishment — “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6a). What strength and comfort this is! Pilate asked, “What is truth?” — a question which continues to haunt every generation. Our own culture continues to endure the popular “relative truth,” “You have your truth; I have mine.” To make things worse, now comes “emotional truth.” Something doesn’t have to be factually true, only emotionally true, fitting our own personal narrative. What pernicious ideas permeate our time! Christians stand firm, calm, and confident in the truth which we have been given through God’s Word. This is a great solace.

Thanks be to the Holy Spirit and his solid truth for all ages!