
May 15, 2023    Don Luepke

O Israel, you will not be forgotten by me.

Isaiah 44:21b

In our part of the country, just about the time of Mother’s Day, a small, delicate, blue flower with a petite yellow center bursts into bloom. According to German folklore, God had named all the plants when a tiny unnamed one softly whispered, “Forget-me-not, O Lord.” And the Creator responded, “That shall be your name.”

Indeed, even when we are alone and feeling insignificant, our gracious Father does not forget us.

He knows and remembers all our hurts as well as our joys. The love that he has for you and for me abounds individually. We proclaim those simple words: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” We hear him say, “I have called you by name; you are mine.” Can anything be more grand!