An Ear and Cup-O-Joe
Mar 19, 2025 • Robert Gilbert
Listening is essential to learning. Infants hear and see everything. As a result, they learn quickly. As we age, however, many adults develop selective hearing and excessive
lecturing. Not so, God. If we call him for help, he will hear us
(Psalm 18:6).
One day, a normally cheerful colleague, was sad. “Let’s get coffee and talk,” I said. “My wife,” he began, “was diagnosed with cancer.” Known for fixing problems, he was frustrated. There was nothing he could do.
“My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer last year,” I said. “I felt useless. Only she could make the decisions. My role was to assure she had access to the best medical care available. The rest I entrusted to God.” I was thankful that my words gave
him comfort.