Strength for the Journey
And he [Elijah] arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights ...
1 Kings 19:8
Talk about triumphs — Elijah had some incredible ones. He received food miraculously from birds
and later from a widow, raised her son from death, prophesied a drought, prayed down fire from heaven, and defeated 450 false prophets. Yet, when these triumphs put his life in danger, he despaired, even asking the Lord to take his life. As a weary Elijah slept, an angel delivered bread and water, providing strength for the journey. Soon the Lord gave Elijah a few last tasks, before sending a fiery chariot that swept him to heaven.
Our lives aren’t as dramatic, but the Lord still provides. He gives us Jesus, the Bread of Life and the Living Water, and his Word, our spiritual food — strength for the journey.